Web apps voor in de klas

Screenshot Motion Ticker

Motion Ticker

Analyse the motion of objects in videos with your own videos and learn about motion and mechanics. Go to Motion Ticker.

Screenshot Systeembord

Online systeembord

Oefen thuis met de werking van het systeembord. Maak schakelingen eerst online en bouw het daarna in het echt. Handig om te oefenen voor een toets. Ga naar het online systeembord.

Screenshot Physics Plot Gallery

Physics Plot Gallery

Easily create scientific graphs with matplotlib. Find a graph in the gallery that suits your requirements, modify it and make your own scientific graph. Go to the Physics Plot Gallery.

Screenshot CosmicWatch Readout

CosmicWatch Readout

Unofficial CosmicWatch Readout for the desktop muon detectors from MIT. Go to the CosmicWatch Readout.

Screenshot Whiteboard


Easy to use online whiteboard. Go to the Whiteboard.

Screenshot Multi Shot

Multi Shot

Create multiple exposure pictures from video frames. Gives a stroboscopic effect. Visit Multi Shot.